#62 Aus der APK:
Zitatmegabase1 intro tutorial_enemy_DrM
"MEGABASE_ATTACKS_LEFT","Attacks left: <number>"
"TID_MEGABASE_NEW_ATTACK_IN","New attack in: <time>"
"MEGABASE_EVENT_TIME_LEFT","Event time left: <time>"
"MEGABASE_EVENT_IN","??? <time>""
"MEGABASE_MAP_TITLE","Mega Crab stage <number>"
"MEGABASE_ATTACKS_MAX","Attacks full!"
"TERROR_CORE","Mega Core"
"This base is a mere distraction! Fool, you forgot about my Mega Crab!"
"While you keep squabbling here, my Mega Crab will cut your island down to size!"
"You did it, Commander! Now, can you do something about that island-crushing crab monstrosity?"
"Burned by my Volcano Base or crushed by my Mega Crab? Pick your poison!"
"Want a real challenge? How about trying to stop my Mega Crab? Too scared? Smart!"
"Do you really think I care about some dark crystals? I have bigger shellfish to fry!"
"Oh hello. I'm the most brilliant supervillain the world has ever seen!"
"How's this for proof? Behold my mighty Mega Crab! Snip, snip!"
"MEGABASE_NOENERGY","It must be exhausting to bash your head against a wall... of CRAB!"
"MEGABASE_NOENERGY_2","How about you take a little rest and try, try, try again later?"
"MEGABASE_LOSE_1","You hardly dented my defenses! I won't even bother to repair such minor damage."
"MEGABASE_LOSE_2","Attack as many times as you want. You'll never defeat me!"
"MEGABASE_LOSE_1ATK","Ouch! Such a stinging defeat! How does it taste? Salty? Bitter? I find it delicious!"
"MEGABASE_LOSE_2ATK","You call that a strategy? I call it a tragedy!"
"MEGABASE_LOSE_3ATK","How about you try a different strategy? Such as full retreat! Hahaha!"
"MEGABASE_WIN_01","Curses! My spectacles fogged up!"
"MEGABASE_WIN_02","Unfair! I had sand in my eyes!"
"MEGABASE_WIN_03","There was a glitch in my matrix calculations!"
"MEGABASE_WIN_04","You attacked before taking ten paces!"
"MEGABASE_WIN_05","Hey, no attacking before I say ready!"
"MEGABASE_WIN_06","Look at this carapace! Do you really think you beat me?"
"MEGABASE_WIN_07","You think brawns can beat brains? I have both!"
"MEGABASE_WIN_08","That was a dirty move! I was expecting a gentlemen' duel."
"MEGABASE_WIN_09","So you think you can sucker punch me and get away with it?"
"MEGABASE_WIN_10","Next time you won't be so lucky!"
"MEGABASE_WIN_11","My robots were having their oil changed!"
"MEGABASE_WIN_12","Have you no respect for the sanctity of T-time?"
"MEGABASE_WIN_13","What? I was having a nap and you sneakily attacked!"
"MEGABASE_WIN_14","No, no, no! You were supposed to come around the OTHER side!"
"MEGABASE_WIN_15","Why do you refuse to get mowed down by my Mega Crab?"
"MEGABASE_WIN_16","There's no way you can beat me, so why keep trying?"
"MEGABASE_WIN_17","You know I'll just come back. Momentarily!"
"MEGABASE_WIN_18","What is it with you? Just give up already, and let me crush EVERYTHING!"
"MEGABASE_WIN_19","I'm mere moments away from blowing up EVERYTHING, and you dare bother me?"
"MEGABASE_WIN_20","Persistence pays off, unless you're facing a gigantic mechanical crab!"
"MEGABASE_COMEBACK_01","You're retreating the wrong way! Ask for directions next time."
"MEGABASE_COMEBACK_02","Tragedy has become comedy! How funny that you still think you can beat me."
"MEGABASE_COMEBACK_03","So you managed to beat me by the skin of your teeth? Well, now your teeth are skinned!"
"MEGABASE_STAGE_REWARD","Stage <number> rewards:"
"MEGABASE_HAS_ENDED","The Mega Crab event has ended."
mr_crabs","MEGABASE_MAP_TITLE" octobase.level
Global Megabase
Local Megabase
Taskforce Megabase
Friend Megabase
Megabase EventIndex: State: Level: Energy: -
#64 Bahnhof!???
Sorry, ich vergesse immer, dass die meisten Menschen nur ein Herz haben und keinen zusätzlichen MikroprozessorAlso, eine APK ist eine Programm(paket)datei für Android. In dieser enthalten waren auch Texte mit Verweisen auf Variablen, die nun bestandteil der BB-Installation sind.
Sprich: auch die Sprüche von Dr. Transe oder Hammeraffe liegen so vor, das obige ist Informationsmaterial für das neue Event. -
Sorry, ich vergesse immer, dass die meisten Menschen nur ein Herz haben und keinen zusätzlichen MikroprozessorAlso, eine APK ist eine Programm(paket)datei für Android. In dieser enthalten waren auch Texte mit Verweisen auf Variablen, die nun bestandteil der BB-Installation sind.
Sprich: auch die Sprüche von Dr. Transe oder Hammeraffe liegen so vor, das obige ist Informationsmaterial für das neue Event.Ach du meinst das Android application package
Sorry ich bin iOS UserGeil Sache und DANKE SCHÖN!
#66 Jetzt steht wenigstens definitiv fest, dass es ein Event wird...
Immerhin kein Deff Event
Aber der Teil interessiert mich mehr:
"CRAB_ISLANDGlobal Megabase
Local Megabase
Taskforce Megabase
Friend Megabase
Megabase EventIndex: State: Level: Energy: "
Heißt das Mr Crab for everybody? Also zusammen mit der TF oder mit Freunden? -
#67 Wie die Intel bei OPs so Energie für Mr. Crab?
Oder regeneriert sich die Energie mit der Zeit von selbst?'MEGABASE_NOENERGY","It must be exhausting to bash your head against a wall... of CRAB!"
"MEGABASE_NOENERGY_2","How about you take a little rest and try, try, try again later?"'Alles nur so Vermutungen
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