estoring Fair Play
We're going to do a few things in the next update (and beyond) to help make Boom a fairer game for all:
1. Test Attacking
Using unfair methods, some players are attacking multiple times for free before committing to a final, successful raid. To do this you need to breach our Terms of Service, and therefore we're going to start monitoring and temp banning players who are doing it, as of next week. Consider this a friendly warning to stop doing it if you are
2. Power Powder
We're addressing an issue where it was possible to see the Power Stone outcome of an attack and re-do the attack until you got better Power Stones, leading to unfair amounts of Power Powder. This is going to become impossible after the next update, as the Power Stones will be randomised at the point of invasion, instead of when you attack.
Please note, boosted and non-boosted +Power Stone Chance Statues will still work exactly as they should (as explained here), because they add an additional modifier to your pre-randomised Power Stones when you attack.
3. Statues
Some players had figured out a way to look into the future and see what Statues their game would create - if the outcome wasn't favourable, they'd start a new game. Therefore, we're going to change the Statue pattern every now and again to prevent this. Don't worry, if you play fairly, this won't affect you. The only difference is that your future Statues are no longer locked to a certain fate, and no other player has luckier stars than you do!